Type Data Record

Referensi Algo 2 (Pascal)
(*contoh pertama:*) uses crt; type alamat = record jln : string[20]; no : string[3]; kota : string[20]; kdpos : string[6]; end; datamhs = record nama : string[15]; npm : string[8]; almt : alamat; jk : char; gldrh : string[2]; end; var dataku : datamhs; begin clrscr; with dataku, almt do begin write(‘Nama : ‘); readln(nama); write(‘NPM : ‘); readln(npm); writeln(‘ Alamat ‘); write(‘Jalan : ‘); readln(jln); write(‘Nomor : ‘); readln(no); write(‘Kota : ‘); readln(kota); write(‘Kode Pos : ‘); readln(kdpos); write(‘Jenis Kelamin (L/P) : ‘); readln(jk); write(‘Golongan Darah : ‘); readln(gldrh); end; clrscr; with dataku, almt do begin gotoxy(9,5);writeln(‘ B I O D A T A K U ‘); gotoxy(7,7);writeln(‘Nama Saya ‘,nama); gotoxy(7,8);writeln(‘NPM Saya ‘,npm); gotoxy(7,9);writeln(‘Jenis Kelamin ‘,jk); gotoxy(7,10);writeln(‘Golongan Darah ‘,gldrh); gotoxy(7,11);writeln(‘Alamat Saya : Jalan ‘,jln,’ Nomor ‘,no,’ ,kota,’ ‘,kdpos); end; readln; end. http://one.indoskripsi.com/judul-skripsi-tugas-makalah/algoritma/tugas-algoritma-2 (*contoh kedua: Passing Records as Arguments*) Type Str25 = String[25]; TBookRec = Record Title, Author, ISBN : Str25; Price : Real; End; Procedure EnterNewBook(var newBook : TBookRec); Begin Writeln(‘Please enter the book details: ‘); Write(‘Book Name: ‘); Readln(newBook.Title); Write(‘Author: ‘); Readln(newBook.Author); Write(‘ISBN: ‘); Readln(newBook.ISBN); Write(‘Price: ‘); Readln(newBook.Price); End; Procedure DisplayBookDetails(myBookRec : TBookRec); Begin Writeln(‘Here are the book details:’); Writeln; Writeln(‘Title: ‘, myBookRec.Title); Writeln(‘Author: ‘, myBookRec.Author); Writeln(‘ISBN: ‘, myBookRec.ISBN); Writeln(‘Price: ‘, myBookRec.Price); End; Var bookRec : TBookRec; Begin EnterNewBook(bookRec); Writeln(‘Thanks for entering the book details’); DisplayBookDetails(bookRec); Readln; End. (*contoh ketiga: Array Of Records*) Type Str25 = String[25]; TBookRec = Record Title, Author, ISBN : Str25; Price : Real; End; Procedure EnterNewBook(var newBook : TBookRec); Begin Writeln(‘Please enter the book details: ‘); Write(‘Book Name: ‘); Readln(newBook.Title); Write(‘Author: ‘); Readln(newBook.Author); Write(‘ISBN: ‘); Readln(newBook.ISBN); Write(‘Price: ‘); Readln(newBook.Price); End; Var bookRecArray : Array[1..10] of TBookRec; i : 1..10; Begin For i := 1 to 10 do EnterNewBook(bookRecArray[i]); Writeln(‘Thanks for entering the book details’); Write(‘Now choose a record to display from 1 to 10: ‘); Readln(i); Writeln(‘Here are the book details of record #’,i,’:’); Writeln; Writeln(‘Title: ‘, bookRecArray[i].Title); Writeln(‘Author: ‘, bookRecArray[i].Author); Writeln(‘ISBN: ‘, bookRecArray[i].ISBN); Writeln(‘Price: ‘, bookRecArray[i].Price); Readln; End. (*contoh keempat: Binary File and Records*) Type Str25 = String[25]; TBookRec = Record Title, Author, ISBN : Str25; Price : Real; End; Procedure EnterNewBook(var newBook : TBookRec); Begin Writeln(‘Please enter the book details: ‘); Write(‘Book Name: ‘); Readln(newBook.Title); Write(‘Author: ‘); Readln(newBook.Author); Write(‘ISBN: ‘); Readln(newBook.ISBN); Write(‘Price: ‘); Readln(newBook.Price); End; Var bookRecArray : Array[1..10] of TBookRec; tempBookRec : TBookRec; bookRecFile : File of TBookRec; i : 1..10; Begin Assign(bookRecFile, ‘bookrec.dat’); ReWrite(bookRecFile); For i := 1 to 10 do Begin EnterNewBook(bookRecArray[i]); { bookRecArray[i] now contains the book details } Write(bookRecFile, bookRecArray[i]); End; Close(bookRecFile); Writeln(‘Thanks for entering the book details.’); Writeln(‘They are saved in a file!’); Write(‘Now choose a record to display from 1 to 10: ‘); Readln(i); ReSet(bookRecFile); Seek(bookRecFile, i-1); Read(bookRecFile, tempBookRec); Close(bookRecFile); Writeln(‘Here are the book details of record #’,i,’:’); Writeln; Writeln(‘Title: ‘, tempBookRec.Title); Writeln(‘Author: ‘, tempBookRec.Author); Writeln(‘ISBN: ‘, tempBookRec.ISBN); Writeln(‘Price: ‘, tempBookRec.Price); Readln; End. http://pascalprogramming.byethost15.com

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